Au cours d’une balade en extérieur, les participants apprennent les bases de botanique, de la reconnaissance des plantes par l'usage des sens et l'observation de leurs différentes parties. Ils prélèvent et photographient les végétaux qu’ils repèrent.
Une fois les plantes identifiées avec les flores, les participants entament un processus créatif pour composer l’herbier de façon artistique, avant de le mettre en mouvement et en couleurs à l’aide du vidéo-mapping.
AUGMENTED HERBARIUM is a pedagogic project which brings botanics, fine and digital arts together. A creative place where the young generation and the older can meet, learn and experiment about plants, painting and projection mapping.
First an event around the digital creation was organized at the Médiathèque de Bron where the public could get a glimpse of a possible outcome of the workshop.
We worked together with the garden division of the city to propose two group walks in the citie's parks and greenhouse to learn about the different plants there and collect some samples.
In a second phase we worked in the Médiathèque to identify the plant samples, learn about their specificities and choose one to represent in our herbarium.
Each participant had a squared canvas to interpret visually his personnal connection with one plant through different media like collage, spray, pencil or acrylic painting.
The last encounter was dedicated to add layer of moving light over the artistic herbarium using the a video-mapping technique.
Finally the piece has been exhibited as a participatory installation during the digital week-end "Grand déballage numérique" at the Médiathèque de Bron.
This artistic workshop has been organized by AADN Lyon together with the city of Bron. Thanks to the participants and Marine, Brune, Hassen, Thibault for the support.
HERBARIUM 2.0 // BRON 2018

Field exploration Bron's inhabitants