EXTASIS PROTOCOL is a participatory experience and party concept accompanied by performers Marion Déjardin, Morgane Line Vallée and JA Dupont. During the 3 phases of this experience, the participants experience their bodymind in group mouvement, discover their materiality, their capacity to feel themselves and the others, express, interact, enjoy and finally dance freely on a fantastic DJ set by Chateau Perché's founder Samy El Moudni. Performed at Les Halles du Faubourg, Lyon 2018.

#performance #party #chateauperche #pechepolis #elzobo #oona_schobijn #experimental #groupmouvement #contemporarydance #contemporaryperformance #NawelleAineche #trance #extasis #protocoledextase #djset #happening #leshallesdufaubourg #newscene #mask #ritual
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